Neuropoint therapy
Many people suffer from tight “knotty” muscles or ‘trigger points’ the most common of which are usually located in the neck and shoulders. Traditional Chinese acupuncture relies on the use of fine needles being inserted into trigger points and then manually stimulated to give the desired effect, (ie: rotating or applying leverage to the needle or applying heat to the needle by way of burning a herb called moxa). So, the success of acupuncture therefore depends on the skill of the practitioner in locating the points accurately and then being able to stimulate them effectively.
Enter ‘NeuroPoint. With this non-invasive no-needle technique, a small hand held machine (pictured above) is placed gently on the skin and detects, with incredible accuracy, exactly where the trigger points are. A small electrical current is then applied that helps the muscle to relax, resulting in reduced pain and increased movement.
Another major benefit of neuro-point therapy is that the risk of contracting blood borne diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis B is eliminated as no needle enters the skin.
Only a few sites in New Zealand can offer Neuropoint therapy and Mold Physiotherapy is one of them. Resident physiotherapist and ACSM trainer Paul can offer Neuropoint therapy as a stand-alone treatment for aches and pains or as part of a gym routine, combining pain relief and exercises to help eliminate your pain for good.
Don’t train in pain. If you have pain and think it may be trigger point related or if you simply have any questions from this blog get in-touch and I’ll be happy to offer advice and even-if required-take a look.